Ignorance is a disease and lack of foresight is blindness of the heart. ‘’See what South east politicians are rejecting because of greed’’ (The functions or responsibilities of the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation of Nigeria, OSGF) i) Coordinating policy design and formulation by Ministries, Departments and Agencies for approval by Government; ii) Serving as Secretary to the Council of State, the Federal Executive Council and other Constitutional Councils, which are chaired by the President; iii) Coordinating the activities of Ministries and Government Agencies on the implementation of Government decisions, policies and programmes iv) Dealing with constitutional, political and socio-economic matters as may be referred to the Presidency; v) Administrative Tribunals, Commissions and Panels of Enquiry; vi) Coordinating national security and public safety matters; vii) National Honours Award viii) Prerogative of Mercy ...