when a drunk
driver doing nearly 200 km per hour ploughs into a group of teenagers on the
sidewalk – what do you called that?......People have been discussing these
issues , I don’t know you opinion – one
woman said- “It’s like you shouldn’t even have children!” another said--
“What’s the point? You let them out of the house - and some drunk bastard goes
and does something like that!” The other woman pointed out that these children
lived in state care facilities, and were returning from an arts competition,
where they had won first prize. “That makes it even worse!” The first woman
said. “First these kids are abandoned, then they work to make something of
their lives, and someone comes along and ends it all, these damn drunks are
I was
particularly struck by the story of these kids,
why should someone be mad my alcoholism just as most Russian’s, not
staying in his house but decided to drink more for two days straight, and then
get behind the wheel. Oh my God, this is disgusting and inhuman in all its’ ramification. “I hope
you do the human thing and kill yourself in prison!” Was one of the tamest
online comments that I have seen directed at the driver since the tragedy
occurred on Saturday September 22. Some Facebook users, have pointed out that
the maximum sentence for what this ‘’mad driver guy’’ did is nine years - “less
than what Khodorkovsky got!” It does seem bizarre that snuffing out seven lives
after behaving in a deliberately dangerous manner will get you less time behind
bars, say, than the maximum sentence for a single count of embezzlement. To put
this in perspective, opposition leader Alexei Navalny faces a maximum of ten
years in the slammer after being charged with embezzlement. It may be that the
case against this driver will be perceived as yet another stain on the
reputation of Russia’s increasingly beleaguered court system. The less trust
the general public has in the courts, the more likely it is that drivers like
this one will simply be “beaten to a pulp on the spot,” as another Facebook
user put it. This is a terrifying scenario for a nation working to move beyond
its chaotic past - but legal nihilism and
bastardize system helps sustain
an outlaw culture.
Legal issues
aside, it remains to be seen whether this tragedy will do anything to influence
drunk driving rates across Russia as a nation. I do not know anyone who drinks
and drives in Moscow in particular and Russia in general. The rules are strict:
just one drink puts you over the limit. Yet stories of drunk driving deaths -
particularly at weekends - abound in the news.
“Let’s face it,
if he had killed one or two people, we wouldn’t even care,” said one I read, who
was particularly upset by accounts of this latest tragedy. “We’re used to it.
Even priests get behind the wheel under the influence - nothing shocks people
anymore.” ah ah ah ah ah --- hear that, Priest of all people!! For me, this is
a “culture of desperation,” let’s call a spade a spade’’ this drunk driver was far from being a
Byronic figure worthy of eloquent musings. To me, he is just a loser with a
history of misconduct behind the wheel - someone who should have lost his
license a long, long time ago. – I beg for an answer, God Bless Russia as a Nation moving towards